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Die Neuausrichtung der Raumverträglichkeitsprüfung im Raumordnungsgesetz und ihr Verhältnis zur Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung journal article

Martin Kment

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 22 (2024), Issue 1, Page 38 - 44

Anlässlich der jüngsten Novelle des Raumordnungsrechts durch das ROGÄndG hat auch das nunmehr als Raumverträglichkeitsprüfung bezeichnete Raumordnungsverfahren einen veränderten Zuschnitt erhalten. Die wesentlichen Neuerungen des in den §§ 15, 16 ROG angesiedelten Instruments sollen nachfolgend beschrieben und kritisch eingeordnet werden. Hierzu gehört insbesondere auch eine nähere Auseinandersetzung mit dem Verhältnis der Raumverträglichkeitsprüfung zur Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung.

Teilpläne des Raumordnungsrechts journal article

Martin Kment

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 19 (2021), Issue 2, Page 191 - 198

Germany’s planning law is divided into different units depending on the level of abstraction and the subject matter of the plan. Spatial plans are located on the highest level within this legal structure addressing a wide range of aspects that are relevant to a bigger region or even to one of the German Länder. Developing such plans often takes time and needs sufficient resources as spatial plans could be very complex and far reaching. Sometimes spatial plans’ complexity contradicts an appropriate executive reaction towards urging problems, because urging problems usually demand for a fast planning solution that traditional spatial plans cannot provide. Therefore, § 7 ROG offers “Section-Plans” (Teilpläne) as a special form of spatial planning to concentrate the planning process on specific subjects or selected areas of a region. This article introduces the special planning instrument of “Section-Plans” and analyses the legal requirements they have to meet. Of particular interest is the relation between “Section-Plans” and “ordinary” spatial plans as well as the legal requirements the principle to weight up all involved interests (Abwägungsgebot) imposes on “Section-Plans”.

Faktische Grenzen judikativer Kontrolle und einge­forderte Maßstabsbildung in der (Nicht-)Wissens­gesellschaft journal article

Martin Kment

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 18 (2020), Issue 3, Page 317 - 328

Many areas of administrative law can no longer be fully understood without technical and natural scientific knowledge. Public bodies have significantly increased their capability to deal with technical and ecological questions arising in these fields of law, but sometimes still need advice from experts. Decision making becomes even more critical when the experts themselves cannot agree on scientific facts or principles or when the necessary knowledge is simply not present. The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany has given a judgement on shortening the scope of judicial review in cases of missing knowledge in administrative decision making processes. It has also requested the legislative authority to provide statute law for the executive authority to reduce uncertainty where scientific knowledge does not seem to develop by itself. This article presents the judgement of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, and discusses future implications for the scope of judicial review and the role of courts beyond environmental matters.

Weitere Beiträge ∙ Der Einfluss des europäischen Umweltrechts auf Landwirtschaft und Massentierhaltung journal article

Martin Kment

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 17 (2019), Issue 1, Page 84 - 90

European environmental law strongly influences the domestic legal systems of the 28 member states which constitute the EU at present. Part of this EU law is the IPPC Directive on “Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control” and the EIA Directive on “Environmental Impact Assessment”. Both Directives are applicable to farming and intensive animal husbandry. This article examines how German environmental law has adapted to the requirements established by these Directives, explains its peculiarities, especially concerning farming and intensive animal husbandry, and also takes a closer look at some shortcomings.

Eckpfeiler des deutschen Verwaltungsrechts auf europäischem Prüfstand journal article

Martin Kment, Christina Lorenz

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 14 (2016), Issue 1, Page 47 - 57

A recent judgment of the European Court of Justice focusing primarily on German environmental law also significantly influences German administrative law in general. By reviewing the implementation of European Union law into German environmental law, the decision will have an important impact on the procedural precondition of an infringement of individual public-law rights as well as procedural defects and last but not least the rules of preclusion. The following essay will analyse and evaluate the necessary amendments to German administrative law resulting from the judgment of the European Court of Justice.

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