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Wie verbindlich sind die Ziele der Raumordnung (noch)?

Zur Novelle der Abweichung von den Zielen der Raumordnung (§ 6 Abs. 2 ROG) durch das ROGÄndG

Alexander Milstein

The primacy of German spatial planning law (Raumordnung) has been contested by the request for more flexibility. Therefore, the most recent amendment to the German spatial planning code (Raumordnungsgesetz) has stripped the spatial planning authority of their discretion regarding the decision about the dispense from the goals of spatial planning. Furthermore, private citizen and companies are now entitled to directly apply for this dispense. As a consequence, scholars have voiced the concern that spatial planning as an institution has been weakened. On the other hand, the amendment may have brought about conformity with European Union law.

Dr. Alexander Milstein ist Richter am Verwaltungsgericht Düsseldorf und derzeit an das Bundesverfassungsgericht abgeordnet. Der Beitrag gibt ausschließlich seine persönliche Auffassung wieder.


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