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Klima, Gesundheit, Arten – Nachhaltigkeit und Raumordnung

Zur Notwendigkeit einer steuerungsrechtlichen und -politischen Rückbesinnung

Wilfried Erbguth

Climate protection and climate adaptation primarily require planning control and management. In this respect, primary EU law, but also national constitutional law, requires an integrative and primarily spatial approach. This stands in the way of the creative introduction of ever new sectoral, i.e. technically oriented, planning instruments, especially since climate protection itself must simultaneously include health protection and species protection. In view of this, it is important to understand spatial planning at the supra-local level as master planning in the field of climate protection and adaptation and to design it accordingly. To this end, the article develops more detailed proposals for further legal development and incorporates earlier ideas.

Verf. war bis 2014 Hochschullehrer an der Juristischen Fakultät, Universität Rostock. Abschluss des Manuskripts: Ende November 2023.


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