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Weitere Beiträge ∙ Europäische Energieunion und internationaler Klimaschutz: Konkurrenz oder Konvergenz?

Alexander Proelß
Keywords: Übereinkommen von Paris, Energieunion, Winterpaket

This article discusses the relationship between international climate change law, as embodied in the 2015 Paris Agreement, on the one hand and the EU Energy Union on the other. Following assessments of the regulatory approaches on which the Paris Agreement is based, and of the origins, scope and consequences of the deepening of supranational cooperation on the field of energy policy initiated in the very same year when the Paris Agreement was signed, it concludes that by adopting the first part of the legislative package “Clean Energy for all Europeans”, the EU has taken a major step to demonstrate its willingness to activate its potential as pioneer of climate policy also in relation to its Member States. In particular, the EU has successfully avoided to develop its energy policy in a way that would conflict with the requirements of international climate change law. That said, whether or not the Energy Union will ultimately be considered as an effective mechanism for achieving, on a regional level, the objectives pursued by the Paris Agreement depends on its proper implementation by the Member States.

Professor Dr. Alexander Proelß ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für internationales Seerecht und Umweltrecht, Völkerrecht und Öffentliches Recht an der Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft der Universität Hamburg. Der Beitrag beruht auf einem Vortrag, den er im Rahmen der 9. Bayreuther Energierechtstage am 22.3.2018 gehalten hat.


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