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Die Angemessenheit und die Anpassung im Recht

Zugleich ein juristischer Beitrag zur sog. Klimaanpassung

Michael Kloepfer

The concepts of adequacy (Angemessenheit) and adaption (Anpassung) have been rarely discussed in social and political contexts so far. Adequacy is a fundamental principle in a society governed by the Rule of Law. Without being identical, adequacy is strongly associated with the prohibition of disproportionate measures (Übermaßverbot) in constitutional balancing processes. Adequacy is an extensive notion, which transcends the governmental sector. It is characterised by considerations of coherence and harmony in different settings. Changing actual situations, scientific knowledge and constitutional requirements may result in adaptions of law. All governmental branches are capable of adjusting their decisions due to actual and legal changes. A particular example for legal adaptions are adjustments made due to climate change. Those changes already lead to new regulations, especially in planning and zoning acts and construction law (Klimawandelanpassungsrecht).

Prof. Dr. Michael Kloepfer war bis zu seiner Emeritierung im Juli 2011 Professor für öffentliches Recht an der Juristischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Er leitet dort bis heute die Forschungsplattform Recht (FPR), zu der u.a. das Forschungszentrum Umweltrecht (FZU) gehört. Herrn stud. iur. Valerian von Nicolai gebührt für seine Unterstützung Dank.


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