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Der Klimabeschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts journal article

Zwischen tradierter Schutzpflichtendogmatik und innovativer Abwehrrechtssonderdogmatik

Wolfgang Kahl

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 20 (2022), Issue 1, Page 2 - 19

The Climate Order of the First Senate of the German Federal Constitutional Court of March 24, 2021 is of historic significance for German environmental constitutional law and for the further development of the global strategy of climate change litigation. It strengthens the interests of environmental and climate protection in a landmark, fundamental way. With a certain temporal distance, now is the time for a more in-depth dogmatic analysis. This shows the positive effects, but also the argumentative weaknesses of the decision. In doing so, the following essay also focuses on the question of a productive integration of the innovative concept of intertemporal guarantees of freedom into a reformed doctrine of the state´s duties of protection.

Expertifizierung als Entwicklungstendenz im Europäischen Verwaltungsrecht – das Beispiel der nationalen und unionalen Klimaräte journal article

Wolfgang Kahl, Marie-Christin Stürmlinger

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 19 (2021), Issue 2, Page 173 - 185

Using the example of climate protection law, the paper deals with the process of Europeanization through legal comparison and through the effects of national legal systems among themselves and at the Union level (Europeanization “bottom up”). For this purpose, it examines the phenomenon of "expertification", which – together with participation and juridification (climate change litigation) – is currently the most important development trend in this policy area. To support the “expertification”-thesis, the paper analyzes the competencies, normative anchoring and democratic legitimacy of the German “Expert Council on Climate Issues” compared to its counterparts in the UK and at EU level. Based on this, reform proposals for the currently underpowered German expert council are made.

Kohleausstieg und EU-Recht journal article

Wolfgang Kahl

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 18 (2020), Issue 3, Page 305 - 316

This paper deals with central EU law issues of the so-called “coal exit” decided by the Federal Republic of Germany, in particular state aid law and the relevant fundamental freedoms and basic rights of the coal companies concerned. It comes to the conclusion that the draft for a coal phase-out law („Kohleausstiegsgesetz“) is compatible with EU law. It also has a positive incentive and role model effect for both EU legislation (“European Green Deal”) and for other EU member states.

Nachhaltigkeit durch kommunale Abgaben journal article

Am Beispiel des Kampfes gegen Plastikmüll

Wolfgang Kahl

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 17 (2019), Issue 3, Page 321 - 326

Klaus Lange has made an outstanding contribution to both municipal and environmental law. Within both areas one of his main scientific interests was and still is municipal taxes and duties. The latter not only are an important instrument for the municipalities and especially their finances but also for an effective and efficient environmental policy (sustainable development). This is underlined by recent political developments such as the proposed local exercise duty on certain single-use plastic products in Tübingen. In principle, municipal taxes and duties can play a meaningful role in fighting plastic waste. Nonetheless, there are also constitutional limits to be taken into account. The following contribution looks at both – chances and limits of municipal duties in the field of waste policy.

Vertrauensschutz im Genehmigungsrecht durch Stichtagsregelungen journal article

Eine Untersuchung aus Anlass aktueller Gesetzesänderungen im Recht der Windenergieanlagen

Wolfgang Kahl, Torben Ellerbrok

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 16 (2018), Issue 1, Page 12 - 24

For over two decades, German policy makers have been driving a nationwide energy transition policy. Yet even as the country sees a massive surge in the use of renewables, particularly wind power, critics of these selfsame efforts have also grown more vocal, even among policy makers. Whether to protect the German countryside and its wildlife or to garner support amongst the public, new trends to ban the construction of wind energy plants in specific areas have emerged. Naturally, these types of legal and regulatory changes can undermine investors' confidence in the law. This paper deals with key date regulations and their constitutional requirements as a mechanism to not only protect the legitimate expectations of investors, but also to ensure the effective implementation of new regulations.