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Die Suche erzielte 2 Treffer.

Grundstrukturen und Gütekriterien eines Klima­wandelfolgenrechts Journal Artikel

Patrick Hilbert

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Jahrgang 22 (2024), Ausgabe 1, Seite 108 - 118

In this paper I ask how the law reacts to the challenges caused by climate change and how this can be evaluated. The notion of climate change adaptation law (Klimawandelanpassungsrecht) is demarcated from the notion of climate change impact law (Klimawandelfolgenrecht). The latter concept is broader, but does not mark a discrete field of law. It is only a generic term. In contrast, climate change adaptation law is a discrete field of law which is structured by a set of principles. Those will be examined in the following. To name criteria for the evaluation of law is quite difficult for methodological reasons. Nevertheless, it is justified to evaluate climate change law as “good” when it serves multiple purposes.

Resilientes Klimarecht Journal Artikel

Patrick Hilbert

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Jahrgang 20 (2022), Ausgabe 4, Seite 408 - 421

Resilience thinking becomes more and more common in legal scholarship and legal practice. However, most resilience approaches take as a basis that the resilience of the law has to prove itself under exceptional circumstances. In this paper I argue that regarding climate law things are a bit different. The notion ‘climate law’ refers to those legal norms which purpose is to slow down the climate change and to those which purpose is to promote the adaptation to climate change. Climate law faces a lack of compliance and other challenges not only under exceptional circumstances but especially under normal conditions. Based on that observation I present and assess several strategies to enhance the resilience of climate law.

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