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Die Beschleunigung des Erneuerbaren-Ausbaus durch die EU-Notfall-Verordnung und die novellierte Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinie

Frank Sailer, Maria Deutinger

The EU-Emergency-Regulation and the revised Renewable-Energy-Directive are intended to simplify and shorten administrative procedures for the development of renewable energy installations with a view to enhanced climate protection and energy security of supply. In essence, they modify or abolish certain steps in the permitting procedure under EU environmental law and transfer the relating concerns to the planning stage; with the EU-Emergency-Regulation this has already been implemented temporarily, the Renewable-Energy-Directive is supposed to continue and develop those amendments. The revision indicates a paradigm shift in the balance between climate protection and other aspects of environmental protection. However, the new EU rules still raise several important questions, some of which the Member States will have to address in the course of the implementation.

Der Erstautor ist Leiter des Forschungsgebiets Energieanlagen- und Infrastrukturrecht bei der Stiftung Umweltenergierecht. Die Zweitautorin ist dort wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin. Herzlicher Dank gilt den Kollegen Nils Wegner, Fabian Pause und Thorsten Müller sowie der Kollegin Jana Nysten.


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