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Erlaubnis- und Anzeigeerfordernisse für Abfall­transporte öffentlich-rechtlicher Entsorgungsträger nach dem KrWG und dem GüKG

Martin Beckmann

For the transport of waste as part of their duties public waste management authorities do not need a notification or a permit according to § 54 KWG and § 3 GüKG. Legal uncertainty and different administration procedures exist for the transport of waste as part of their vo-luntary tasks. The view is held that the public waste disposal authorities need notifications and permits for voluntary transport of waste as well as private companies. But this view is unconvincing. Public waste disposal authorities do not need a notification or a permit fot the transport of waste as a part of their voluntary tasks. This also applies to the transport of hazardous waste.

Der Autor ist als Fachanwalt für Verwaltungsrecht in Münster tätig.


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