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Zur besseren Luftqualität auf dem Rechtsweg

Soo Min Kim

Since the EU-legislation sets specific air quality standards to limit air pollutants, air quality improvement has become a major matter of administrative jurisdiction. Individuals as well as, mostly, environmental organizations take legal actions to claim the enactment or update of air quality plans. The adaption and implementation of contextual European and International law obligations to German legal protection system has been by no means fluent. Following article gives an overall view of several problems and challenges, the administrative courts are confronted with. The analysis of relevant previous jurisdiction shows how the courts handle with the conditions for opening the way to legal protection and how they set the control standards for examining the legal compatibility of air quality plans. Considering the new World Health Organization recommendations from 2021 and the expected revision of the EU-ambient-air-quality-legislation, hopefully, this writing contributes to reinforce the achievements so far and raise awareness for the necessity of further adjustments, both regarding legal and environmental aspects.

Die Autorin ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin am Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht von Prof. Dr. Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz an der Universität Bonn.


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