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Die Prozeduralisierung des europäischen Umweltrechts

Karoline Linzbach
Keywords: Prozeduralisierung des Umweltrechts, politische Steuerungstheorie, Governance-Theorie

With the amendment of the EEC Treaty by the Single European Act on 1 July 1987, environmental protection was incorporated into the Treaties (Art. 130r et seq. EEC Treaty; now Art. 191 et seq. TFEU). Parallel to the increasing anchoring of environmental protection in primary law, the matter lost political momentum. At the end of the 1980s, the willingness of the member states to enact stricter environmental regulations waned. While the 3rd and 4th Environmental Action Programme (1982–1986 and 1987-–992) were strategically oriented towards the setting of limit values, the 5th Environmental Action Programme (1993–2000) shows a shift from the focus on various environmental media in need of protection to control objectives, that are to be achieved by means of indirect control – above all cooperation, transparency and participation. This indirect control is primarily implemented through procedural law. This article is devoted to the limits of compatibility of proceduralisation with European primary law using the example of the most well-known procedural regulations of European environmental law: environmental information, environmental impact assessments and the Eco Management and Audit Scheme.

Karoline Linzbach ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht bei Prof. Dr. Klaus Gärditz.


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