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Umweltschadensgesetz – Klimaschutz und Verursacherprinzip

Iven Beckbissinger
Keywords: Klimaschäden, Kausalitätsnachweis, Verantwortlichkeitsregime

On the basis of the polluter pays principle the Environmental Damage Act gives reasons for a responsibility under public law with regard to the prevention, reduction and remediation of environmental damage. As a result, the main challenge is to establish proof of a causal relationship between different emissions and the occurring of damage going with them. This refers particularly to climate damages that arise as a consequence of a summative, extremely complex and dynamic interaction of global emitted emissions. This shows that making a legally relevant diagnosis of causality referring to climate changes, hits the glass ceiling of human’s possibility for findings. In this respect it is impossible to make a reliable and individual statement, whether a greenhouse gas emission has taken part in an environmental damage, and if so, how much it has contributed to it. In addition, a legal obligation of individual emitters for the remediation of climate damage regularly proves to be unsuitable and practically unfeasible anyway in view of their specific origin and effect.

Iven Beckbissinger ist Student der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Heidelberg. Der Beitrag entstand als Studienarbeit am Institut für deutsches und europäisches Verwaltungsrecht bei Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Kahl, M. A.


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