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Umweltrechtsschutz in der gerichtlichen Praxis

Rüdiger Rubel
Keywords: verwaltungsgerichtlicher Rechtsschutz, Planerhaltung, Verbandsklage

Over the last two decades, environmental law has strongly influenced the legal protection, in particular with regard to planning approval decisions. In addition to the system of legal protection based on subjective rights contained in the Code of Administrative Court Procedure, the action instituted by an association (Verbandsklage) has become important and has changed judicial practice. Absolute procedural rights increase the success rate of actions under environmental law. The understanding of the roles of the administrative courts appears to be changing. Statutory provisions having the effect of maintaining plans in force, such as the ignorance of defects and the extinction of the exercise of a right, have come under pressure. Administrative courts and the legislature are required to become aware of such developments and, if necessary, to react accordingly.

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Rubel ist Vorsitzender Richter des für Bau- und Fachplanungsrecht zuständigen 4. Senats des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts und Honorarprofessor an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Thema und Inhalt des Beitrags waren Gegenstand eines Vortrags, den der Autor auf der 200. Veranstaltung des von Klaus Lange gegründeten und sehr lange Zeit organisierten Umweltrechtlichen Praktikerseminars in Gießen gehalten hat.


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