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Baubedingte Lärmauswirkungen in der (straßenrechtlichen) Planfeststellung

Ulrich Hösch
Keywords: Baulärm, Planfeststellung, Konzentrationswirkung, Abwägung, Erschütterung, Luftschadstoffe, Minderungsmaßnahmen, Zugang zu Geschäften

The permission to build (large) infrastructure facilities as federal highways or subways in midtown has to take due account of all possible impacts of the construction site, e.g. noise, air pollutants and hindrance to effective access to shops or residences. The main goal has to be the avoidance of these negative effects during the construction period. If this is not possible, the admission authority has to decide, if a financial compensation has to be paid to the neighbours.

Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt für Verwaltungsrecht, München.


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