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Rechtsfragen einer quantitativen Begrenzung des Flächenverbrauchs durch Raumordnung – eine Problemskizze journal article

Boas Kümper

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 22 (2024), Issue 1, Page 45 - 57

The reduction of land use has long been one of the central concerns of German environmental and land utilisation policy. Particularly since the German government's Sustainable Develop­ment Strategies set the goal of reducing the use of undeveloped land for settlement and trans­port purposes to a maximum of 30 hectares per day, quantitative approaches to realising this goal have been discussed. In this respect, particular hopes are placed in spatial planning and its instruments. Following the demand for the land-saving target to be enshrined in law, which was raised in the course of the most recent amendment to the Spatial Planning Act, this article discusses the central legal issues of such a regulation and its implementation in spatial planning.

Raumordnung und Fachplanung journal article

Regelungsbefugnisse der Raumordnung und Bindungs­wir­kungen raumordnerischer Festlegungen für die FachplanungForum Planungsrecht, Akademie für Raumforschung und LandesplanungVereinheitlichung und Fortentwicklung des räumlichen Planungsrechts: Thesen

Boas Kümper

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 15 (2017), Issue 4, Page 295 - 310

In addition to the various sectoral spatial plannings (“Fachplanungen”), German spatial plan­­ning law also recognises the “Raumordnung” as an integrated spatial planning, which is to com­bi­ne and coordinate the manifold spatial requirements. This juxtaposition of planning au­tho­ri­ties and planning instruments with different objectives raises the question as to what ex­­tent the in­tegrated spatial planning can determine the sectoral one substantially and what bin­ding effects emanate from the integrated planning for the sectoral one.

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