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Lebensmittelverschwendung als Herausforderung für das europäische Abfallrecht

Lisa Marie Müller

The legislative proposal for the European Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EG (WFD), published by the European Commission in December 2015, has yet not fully recognized the importance of food waste within a sustainable resource management. Provisions concerning the prevention of food waste fall short in comparison with the 30 % reduction goal that was at first proposed within the Circular Economy Package in July 2014. So far, the envisaged changes of Art. 9 and 29 WFD do not succeed in drafting a „new, more ambitious proposal“.

Lisa Marie Müller ist Rechtsanwältin der Kanzlei Kopp-Assenmacher & Nusser Rechtsanwälte PartGmbB und promoviert bei Apl. Prof. Dr. Dr. Joachim Sanden (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) zur rechtlichen Dimension der Vermeidbarkeit von Lebensmittelabfall.


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