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Der Managementplan als multifunktionales Instrument des europäischen und deutschen Naturschutzrechts

Detlef Czybulka

Conservation of Biodiversity in Germany is not a plain success story, although the NATURA 2000 network exists now in form of numerous listed Sites of Community Interest. The formal designation of and the necessary conservation measures for the sites are still lacking in more than a half of the SCIs. The transposition and implementation of European Legislation, especially of the Habitats Directive has been very reluctant and provokes now a new infringement procedure by the European Commission towards Germany. Especially the multifunctional instrument of „management plans“ for the sites (Art. 6 para. 1 Habitats Directive) is not yet arrived properly in German legislation and doctrine. The article analyses the function and legal status of management plans, shows the „misunderstandings“ of the so called German „1:1“-way of implementation and offers a solution to the legislator for a correct and efficient implementation of Art. 6 para. 1 Habitats Directive so that this excellent instrument of nature conservation can be used by the administration in a due manner.

Der Beitrag ist Reiner Schmidt zum 80. Geburtstag am 13. November 2016 gewidmet. Der Autor ist Mitherausgeber der EurUP und ehemaliger Lehrstuhlinhaber für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht, Umweltrecht und Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht an der Universität Rostock. Herrn Rechtsanwalt Peter Francesconi danke ich für die Durchsicht des Manuskripts.


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