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Europäisierter Umweltrechtsschutz als Laboratorium des Verwaltungsprozessrechts: Entwicklungspfade zwischen Prozeduralisierung, Objektivierung und Subjektivierung

Klaus F. Gärditz

Under the influence of European Union law, judicial review in matters of environmental administrative law has become a subject of highly dynamic and sweeping developments that might unhinge the basic structures of traditional models of judicial review in German procedural law. Concepts encapsulated in EU law are: a significant enhancement of administrative procedural law, a supplementary regime of objective complaints that can be filed by environmental organisations as member of the public concerned, and, finally, a functional ‘subjectivization’ of objective environmental law in order to make its enforcement more effective. This essay analyses these (partly disparate) developments and the impact on judicial review under German procedural law, which is deeply rooted in effective protection of individual rights.

Beitrag gewidmet zum 75. Geburtstag am 9.10.2015. Der Verf. lehrt Öffentliches Recht an der Universität Bonn, ist Mitherausgeber dieser Zeitschrift und im Nebenamt Richter am OVG NRW.


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