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Natur- und Gewässerschutz – Ausgangsparameter, Zielsynergien, Zielkonflikte

Wolfgang Durner

Traditionally, German law used to draw clear borderlines between water law and nature protection law: On the Federal level, the Federal Nature Protection Act aimed at protecting wildlife and nature while the Federal Water Resources Act dealt with the management and use of water as a resource. In 2000, however, the European Water Framework Directive recognized that „water, due to its ecological and social value is more than a resource“, and obliged Member States to attain a good ecological status of all water. With its new approach, the Water Framework Directive became the starting point of a comprehensive ecologization of German water law. Nevertheless, while the newly created links between water management and nature protection are to be welcomed, both fields of law have to preserve their respective rationalities.

Wolfgang Durner ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Öffentliches Recht der Universität Bonn und Direktor des Instituts für das Recht der Wasser- und Entsorgungswirtschaft an der Universität Bonn. Der Beitrag basiert auf einem Vortrag des Verfassers im Rahmen des 11. Deutschen Naturschutzrechtstages am 15.12.2014.


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