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Projektbegriff, Verträglichkeitsprüfung, Öffentlich­keits­beteiligung und Vereinsklagerecht bei der Wald­bewirtschaftung in Natura 2000-Gebieten journal article

Peter Fischer-Hüftle

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 19 (2021), Issue 1, Page 42 - 52

The effects of the Natura 2000 legal regime on forest management in Natura 2000 sites have long been a blank spot on the legal map. In 2018, the ECJ commented on fundamental issues in its Bialowieza ruling. Subsequently, two higher administrative courts dealt with forest management plans in special areas of conservation. Not only problems of the Habitats Directive and its implementation had to be clarified but also the question of a necessary public participation in behalf of forest management plans according to the Aarhus Convention. The following article explores and amplifies these issues.

Legal Requirements for Forestry in Natura 2000 Areas journal article

Peter Fischer-Hüftle

Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Volume 18 (2020), Issue 2, Page 214 - 220

In its report on the state of nature for the period 2007-2012, the EU describes the state of conservation of the species and habitat types protected by the Habitats and Birds Directives. As a result, forest habitats as a whole are not in a good conservation status and a lot still needs to be done if the goals of the Biodiversity Strategy and the new EU Forest Strategy are to be achieved by 2020. The following article presents the system of protection of Natura 2000 areas and discusses its consequences for the management of forest areas in Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas. In detail, it is about setting conservation goals, the avoidance of deterioration, checking the compatibility of projects, conservation measures, and management plans.

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