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Wasserrechtliche Planfeststellung und Bauleitplanung – Kollisions- und Abstimmungsprobleme

Rüdiger Breuer

Urban development often comes into conflict with existing watercourses. In accordance with applicable law, but in contrast to former practice, substantial alterations of watercourses shall no longer be determined by municipal urban planning and its underlying economic interests. They have to be legalized by a legal act of planning law or a permission of use in accordance with the provisions of water law. The recent experiences of heavy rainfall and flood disasters illustrate the need for adjustments both in the fields of water management and urban planning. With regard to flood areas there is a need to review whether the urban development of the past should be maintained in any case. For improving flood protection and preventing future damage it may be appropriate to revoke building areas and to adopt restrictive binding land-use plans precluding the reconstruction of destroyed buildings.

Der Autor ist Rechtsanwalt im Kölner Büro der Sozietät Köhler & Klett. Er war bis 2006 als Professor für Öffentliches Recht an der Universität Bonn tätig.


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