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Die rechtliche Steuerung transnationaler Agrarland­investitionen in einkommensschwachen Ländern („Land Grabbing“)

Till Markus
Keywords: Land Grabbing, Legal Guide on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts (UNIDROIT), transnational standard of care, Menschenrechte, Agrarlandinvestitionen, Investitionen in landwirtschaftliche Nutzflächen, transnationales Umweltrecht

This article investigates the governance potential of different policies and laws addressing the issues arising out of large-scale farmland investments in low income countries (“land grabbing”). It interprets their development on the whole as a tentative effort by a set of different actors to forge an effective governance system. It is argued that the development of these laws and policies has largely been defined by three key features: 1) forming a better understanding of the complex issues arising out of large-scale farmland investments, 2) reframing these issues, the responsibilities of involved actors, and the purpose of regulation, and finally, 3) flexibly shifting modes of governance in view of ineffective national and international laws and institutions. All three strategies have contributed to establishing a set of transnational guiding principles and standards of care that will substantially increase legal accountability and have the potential to effectively change investment practices.

PD Dr. Till Markus, LL.M. ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Department Umwelt- und Planungsrecht am Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ, Leipzig und Privatdozent an der Universität Bremen. Der Autor dankt Frau Eva-Maria Schatz und Frau Stella Gronau für wichtige Hinweise. Etwaige Fehler liegen alleine in seiner Verantwortung. Die Erarbeitung des Beitrags wurde im August 2021 abgeschlossen.


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