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Genehmigungsrechtlicher Rahmen der Wasserstoff­wirtschaft

Stefan Altenschmidt, Thayna Hensen

Green hydrogen is expected to play a key role in decarbonising the EU economy. Due to the EU and German Hydrogen Strategy the idea of establishing a hydrogen economy is widespread. This report is about the current German approval framework for building and developing a hydrogen economy concerning production, storage, transport and application as well as combined hydrogen infrastructure.

Rechtsanwalt Dr. Stefan Altenschmidt, LL.M. (Nottingham), ist Partner der Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH in Düsseldorf und gehört deren Praxisgruppe Environment, Planning, Regulatory an. Rechtsreferendarin Thayna Hensen war dort als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin beschäftigt.


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