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Umweltgerichte – eine mögliche und gebotene Institution in der deutschen Gerichtsbarkeit?

Linda Schönfelder
Keywords: Umweltgerichte, Umweltspruchkörper, Umweltrichter:innen, Staatliche Gutachterstelle

Due to climate change and the implementation of international law agreements referring to the access to environmental justice, Environmental Courts have experienced a spread all over the world. However, the need to optimize the process of technical, scientific and legal knowledge generation can be claimed for the German Court System as well, that ought to be inspired by the Swedish “Land- and Environmental Courts”. A legal comparison identifies possibilities and borders and shows that environmental/technical experts at the Judge’s bench may lead to a higher quality of judgement although it is hard to implement. In addition, a certain environmental specialization of the adjudicative bodies and their judges can already be improved by the intra-court autonomy. Sometimes it shows up by a tendency to assign environmental matters to a small number of adjudicative bodies. This automatically sets the focus on certain extra-legal issues that recur over time. Finally, the German Federal Administrative Court already represents a Supreme Federal Court for Environmental Matters.

Ass. iur.
Linda Schönfelder ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, insbesondere Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (Prof. Dr.
Kurt Faßbender), der Universität Leipzig und Doktorandin im Rahmen des Kompetenznetzwerkes „Zukunftsherausforderungen des Umweltrechts“ (KomUR). Ein besonderer Dank für Impulse und Anregungen gilt Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Rennert, Präsident des BVerwG, und Herrn Dr. Bert Schaffarzik, Präsident des VG Chemnitz.


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