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Das Kohleverstromungsbeendigungsgesetz (KVBG)

Michael Kloepfer

The new Coal-fired Power Generation Termination Act (KVBG), as a part of the German coal exit law, aims to steadily reduce coal-fired power generation in Germany. By doing so, it contributes to Germany's international and supranational commitments in dealing with the challenges of climate change. This article explains the content of the KVBG with its different approaches concerning brown and black coal. A closer focus is then put on the law's combination of regulatory and consensual/contractual tools. The paper goes on to look for parallels and differences between the German coal-exit and the German exit from nuclear power generation of 2011 and concludes with addressing general issues of long-term political responsibility.

Der Autor ist emeritierter Professor an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Er leitet u.a. das Forschungszentrum Umweltrecht. Er dankt seinem studentischen Mitarbeiter, Herrn Mika Knör, sehr für seine Mitarbeit.


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