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Klimaschutz durch neue Planungsinstrumente im föderalen System

Georg Hermes

The achievement of the national climate protection targets poses major challenges for German planning law. Since the Federal Climate Protection Act only contains a political program plan (climate protection program) and does not provide for any effective implementation instruments, the climate protection targets require additional methods of implementation outside of the Climate Protection Act. This includes new planning instruments for the energy sector (system development planning) and the transport sector (mobility planning). They serve as instruments for the preparation of non-legislative sector-specific measures, serve the sector-specific coordination needs (under the condition that the GHG reduction targets are met), and fulfill a federal coordination function. Such new planning instruments challenge the German constitutional order of competences both with regard to legislative competences and with regard to the administrative competences of the Länder. The article argues that there is actually room for the federal legislator to involve state and local administration to a greater extent in new planning instruments.

Dr. Georg Hermes ist Professor für Öffentliches Recht an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.


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