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Artenschutz bei der Bewirtschaftung des Waldes

Martin Gellermann

Despite all efforts to the contrary, it has not yet been possible to halt the progressive extinction of species in this country. The animal and plant species of the agricultural landscape are particularly endangered, while the conservation situation of numerous forest-dwelling species is also unfavorable. Forestry land management, which deprives numerous animals and plants of their natural habitat, is held primarily responsible for the loss of biodiversity in forests. Against this background, the following question is addressed to whether and to what extent the regulations of the species protection law (§§ 44 ff. BNatSchG), which contribute to the implementation of the requirements of the Birds- and Habitats Directives, have a controlling influence on forestry.

Der Verfasser ist außerplanmäßiger Professor am Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaften der Universität Osnabrück und Rechtsanwalt in Westerkappeln.


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