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Reduzierung von Schiffsabgasen durch Völker- und Europarecht

Zugleich Besprechung von Katharina Solf, Europäisches Meeresumweltrecht im Internationalen Mehrebenensystem

Detlef Czybulka
Keywords: Schiffsemissionen, Meeresumweltschutzrecht, Seevölkerrecht

The European Union (EU) is neither a member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) nor a State party to the MARPOL Convention. In the past, the compatibility of certain EU regulations concerning the reduction of exhaust emissions of (also foreign) vessels navigating in the ports, the territorial seas or the exclusive economic zones of the Member States with Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention was subject to debate. This article argues that the relevant decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union were not only formally correct but also substantially justified: Inadequate rules and standards established by the IMO cannot be held to be “generally accepted” in terms of Art. 211 (5) LOSC when they do not implement the guiding idea of Part XII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, namely to minimize pollution to the fullest possible extent in all maritime zones as well as the airspace above them.

Professor Dr. Detlef Czybulka ist emeritierter Lehrstuhlinhaber für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht, Umweltrecht und Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht an der Universität Rostock sowie Mitherausgeber der EurUP und „Natur und Recht“.


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