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Schwerpunkt: UmwRG und UVPG ∙ Die jüngste Novellierung des UmwRG zur Umsetzung der Vorgaben der Aarhus-Konvention

Sabine Schlacke

The case law of the European Court of Justice as well as decisions taken by the Aarhus Compliance Committee repeatedly compelled the German legislator to bring the 2006 adopted German Environmental Appeals Act into conformity with the EU and International law. The last profound amendments to the Environmental Appeals Act in June 2017 transformed this legislation into a small Code of Administrative Court Procedure. Moreover, it includes special regulations for the administrative procedure. After giving a short overview on the different amendments of the Environmental Appeals Act since 2006, the article analyses and systemizes the newly added regulations that can now be subject to judicial review. Further, it argues that the compatibility of the German Environmental Appeals Act with European law and the Aarhus Convention is still uncertain with regard to recent decisions of the European Court of Justice.

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, Institut für Umwelt- und Planungsrecht.


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