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Die kommunale Selbstverwaltung in der Europäischen Union

Hans-Jürgen Papier

The article analyses, particularly with regard to planning autonomy, the meaning of the constitutional guarantee of local self-government in the light of the impact of EU law. The author concludes that the time of the former so-called “municipal blindness” (“Kommunalblindheit”) of the EU has passed after the Treaty of Lisbon. However, the protection of government at the local level by European Union law is still not at all effective. The principle of subsidiarity holds a key position in this. It has to be made more enforceable both legally and politically.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Jürgen Papier war von 2002–2010 Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts und ist emeritierter Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Öffentliches Recht, insbesondere Deutsches und Bayerisches Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht sowie öffentliches Sozialrecht, der Universität München.


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