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Vertrauensschutz im Genehmigungsrecht durch Stichtagsregelungen

Eine Untersuchung aus Anlass aktueller Gesetzesänderungen im Recht der Windenergieanlagen

Wolfgang Kahl, Torben Ellerbrok

For over two decades, German policy makers have been driving a nationwide energy transition policy. Yet even as the country sees a massive surge in the use of renewables, particularly wind power, critics of these selfsame efforts have also grown more vocal, even among policy makers. Whether to protect the German countryside and its wildlife or to garner support amongst the public, new trends to ban the construction of wind energy plants in specific areas have emerged. Naturally, these types of legal and regulatory changes can undermine investors' confidence in the law. This paper deals with key date regulations and their constitutional requirements as a mechanism to not only protect the legitimate expectations of investors, but also to ensure the effective implementation of new regulations.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kahl, M.A. ist Direktor des Instituts für deutsches und europäisches Verwaltungsrecht und der Forschungsstelle für Nachhaltigkeit an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. Torben Ellerbrok ist Rechtsreferendar am Hanseatischen Oberlandesgericht in Hamburg.


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