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In-camera-Verfahren bei dem Gericht der Hauptsache?

Vorlage geheimhaltungsbedürftiger Behördenakten mit Informationen von hohem Risikopotenzial im Verwaltungsstreitverfahren

Dieter Sellner

Presenting files of public authorities which include sensitive information worthy of protection and involve high risks to the courts in administrative proceedings, triggers complex legal challenges which yet have to be solved. This paper presents the conflictual topic and attempts to find solutions. It is based on the administrative proceedings concerning the close-to-site nuclear interim storage facility Unterweser, for which only recently a decision according to Paragraph 99 (2) of the German VwGO was made.

Dr. Dieter Sellner ist Rechtsanwalt in Berlin in der Sozietät Redeker Sellner Dahs.


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