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Planungs- und umweltrechtliche Probleme des Kohleausstiegs in Griechenland

Konstantinos Gogos

The abandonment of electricity production from lignite, currently under way in Greece, poses a number of spatial planning issues and environmental problems, arising out of the need to install new, socially beneficial land uses in the affected areas. The paper discusses in broad terms these issues of transition towards the post coal mining era, focusing on the required planning measures according to Greek law and the special legal arrangements made to expedite planning. Furthermore, the protection of forests in the Greek constitution is a serious obstacle to the introduction of new land uses with regard to coal mines, power plants and relevant facilities situated on grounds that were forested prior to the introduction of mining; the paper examines the solution introduced by recent Greek legislation, especially drafted for transition areas. Finally, the paper points out to transition problems that arise with regard to the “polluter pays” principle, which requires the environmental restoration of mining sites after their end of life. The Greek law maker has introduced a concept ensuring the financing of restoration essentially through the land value of the mining sites, which are to be transferred from the previous mining operator to a state owned corporation that will provide in consideration, from EU funds, the financial means necessary for environmental clean-up.

Aristoteles Universität Thessaloniki. Der Autor bedankt sich herzlich bei Herrn Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Hofmann für die sorgfältige Durchsicht und sprachliche Korrektur des Manuskripts.


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