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Intensivtierhaltung als bauplanungsrechtliches Problem

Christian Bickenbach

Due to the structural change in agriculture, facilities for intensive livestock farming are on the rise. This development leads to conflicts because numerous concerns have to be balanced: urban land-use planning, protection of the environment and neighbourhood as well as the farmers’ fundamental rights such as property and exercise of a profession. An amending law from 2013 makes it more difficult for industrial farming to get a building licence. Another bill concerning such projects failed. The question arises whether building law is a suitable instrument for coordinating all interests.

Der Autor ist Inhaber der Professur für Verwaltungsrecht, insbesondere Regulierungs- und Infrastrukturrecht an der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Potsdam. Er dankt seiner wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin Frau Lea Andresen für die Abfassung des Abstracts.


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