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Schwerpunkt: Klimaschutz- und Energierecht ∙ Klimaschutzgesetze der Bundesländer – Typen, Regelungsgehalt und Verhältnis zu einem Klimaschutzgesetz des Bundes

Stephan Sina

In recent years, more and more federal states in Germany have enacted climate change laws. This article identifies and illustrates two types of climate change laws, a general and a concrete one. The main part provides a comparative overview of similarities and differences between the climate change laws in force. Overall, most climate change laws correspond largely to the general type, which is characterised by quantitative mitigation targets and general provisions on how to reach them. Some of these laws also include elements typical of the concrete type, especially direct obligations of citizens and companies or powers to make delegated legislation to that effect. The final part of the article analyses the relationship of these laws with a potential climate change law at federal level. Since climate change laws of federal states provide important contributions to federal mitigation efforts, a federal climate change law should explicitly allow them to stay in force.

Der Verfasser ist Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Verwaltungsrecht und Senior Fellow am Ecologic Institut in Berlin. Der Aufsatz beruht größtenteils auf einem Vortrag, den der Verfasser am 8.12.2017 in Stuttgart auf einem Workshop des Ministeriums für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft zur Weiterentwicklung des Klimaschutzgesetzes Baden-Württemberg gehalten hat.


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