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Schwerpunkt: Klimaschutz- und Energierecht ∙ Planungsrechtliche Probleme der Energiewende in der Schweiz

Andreas Glaser, Julia Eigenmann

This article shows the changes in planning law that will result within the framework of Switzerland's energy transition. The legal structure of the energy transition in Switzerland starts with the promotion of renewable energy production as well as the improvement of transport capacities for electrical energy. The planning measures comprise the inclusion of hydropower and wind farm areas in the cantonal planning level, as well as the creation of a scenario framework for electricity transport at federal level. A further means of implementing the energy transition is the declaration of renewable energies as a national interest, which strengthens their standing against landscape and nature conservation interest in the approval process. Finally, various measures, e.g. the shortening of the stages of appeal, are aimed at speeding up the approval procedures, which are generally considered too lengthy. Overall, the energy transition appears to be a diverse package of measures that starts with planning, approval decisions and legal protection. The success of these measures depends, among other things, on their implementation by the cantons and the courts.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Glaser ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Staats-, Verwaltungs- und Europarecht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Demokratiefragen an der Universität Zürich und Direktor des Zentrums für Demokratie Aarau. BLaw Julia Eigenmann ist wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau.


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