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Forum: Die EEG-Entscheidung des EuG ∙ Das EuG-Urteil zum EEG 2012: Kein Hemmnis für die Energiewende

Matthias Schmidt-Preuß

The General Court in its judgment of may 10, 2016 upheld the decision of the Commission declaring the scheme supporting the production of electricity from renewable resources in the Renewable Energy Act 2012 (EEA) in violation of Article 107 TFEU. This cannot be supported from the case law of the ECJ requiring an institutionalized administrative entity being incorporated into the state. This is lacking in the law of EEA 2012 which is limited to TSOs autonomously computing the surcharge payable by private customers within some legal specifications. Likewise the reduction of the EEA-surcharge for certain energy-intensive final users is not, as claimed by the General Court, in violation of Art. 107 TFEU because it is the „actus contrarius“ to a legal rule sharing its nature not being a prohibited state aid.

Institut für Öffentliches Recht der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.


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(z.B.: A | 000123 | 01)

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